A scientist must be absolutely like a child. If he sees a thing, he must say that he sees it, whether it was what he thought he was going to see or not. See first, think later, then test. But always see first. Otherwise you will only see what you were expecting.
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- So This is How Scientific Accuracy Dies; With 869,000 Subscribers
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- Parker Dimensional Analysis
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I'm Isaac King. This is the home for all of my writing and other projects that don't fit anywhere else. I write about Magic: The Gathering, mathematics, philosophy, and whatever else I feel like writing about. For more about me, see below.
I take a slightly different approach from most blogs; I don't write very much, but what I do write, I write to be mostly timeless, and I try to keep my articles up-to-date as things change. If you notice anything on any of these pages that you believe to be inaccurate or outdated, please let me know so I can fix it. If you'd like to be notified of new posts you can subscribe in the top right corner.
MTG Rules
- RulesGuru
- Meet a Melvin
- Step By Step: Layers
- Step By Step: Damage
- Step By Step: Dependency
- One Ring to Confuse Them All
- Step By Step: Declaring Attackers
- The Magic Rules are not Complete
- Deep Analysis: Text, Abilities, and Effects
- Stop Trying to Make CR Backups Happen
- Step By Step: Replacement Effect Lookahead
- Grafdigger's Cage and Grist: A Detective Story
MTG Judging
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- Card Counting Calculator
- The Lost Art of Shadowing
- Disqualification Information
- You Have To Make a Ruling
- Why Players Don't Call Judge
- Judge Calls in the 21st Century
- Round Robin Results Calculator
- The Philosophy Behind Deviations
- Competitive REL Tournament Primer
- Assigning Blame vs. Solving Problems
- Handling Counterfeits in a Tournament
- Running Effective Roleplay Workshops
- How to Avoid Unnecessary Match Losses
- Guidelines for Writing Good Judge Questions
- Magic Judges are Obsolete; It's Time to Replace Them With Prediction Markets
Other MTG Content
- Magic Math
- Card Name Sorter
- Don't Go to TCG-Con
- Tournament Simulator
- Probability Calibration
- Judge's Tower Design
- Randomness in Magic
- Card Name Regex Golf
- Counterfeits Vs. Proxies
- Misprints I'm Looking For
- In Defense of Pile Shuffling
- The Competitive Megacombo
- Misprint Price Guessing Game
- In Defense of Not Pile Shuffling
- The Economics of Organized Play
- High quality image of the MTG card back
Non-MTG Content
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- Twitter Blocker
- Manifold Search
- Disease Statistics
- Fantasy Realms Bot
- Negotiation Assistant
- Manifold Betting Calculator
- Manifold Subsidy Experiment
- Prediction Markets Are Not Polls
- The Hidden Complexity of Thought
- Understanding Subjective Probabilities
- An Actually Correct Explanation of P-Values
- Testing GPT-3's Mathematics Comprehension
- Testing DALL-E 2's Mathematics Comprehension
- An Actually Intuitive Explanation of the Oberth Effect
- Rational Agents Cooperate in the Prisoner's Dilemma
- Human Communication is Complicated and Frustrating
Contact Information and Other Profiles
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- Lesswrong
- Judgeapps
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Other Recommended Reading
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- Action!
- Nohello
- Unsong
- Exhalation
- Dollar Street
- Salad Theory
- In My Culture
- Earth Reviews
- Possible Girls
- Planet of Cops
- A Small Fiction
- The story of Jim
- Science Heroes
- Silent Treatment
- How to Disagree
- Notes on Nigeria
- Existential Comics
- Clapping for Stalin
- #RebootThePolice
- Reductionist Magic
- Arguing with Myself
- The Evolution of Trust
- To Wash It All Away
- Farokh vs. Mr. Beast
- Programming Sucks
- Experimental History
- The Security Mindset
- Meaning, the Cryptid
- "Nobody gives a shit"
- The Metropolitan Man
- Who Controls the Dirt
- Cops, crime, and class
- A Practical Guide to Evil
- We're All Hitlerists now
- Do Not Replicate Orders
- The five kinds of paradox
- They Write the Right Stuff
- Mnemonic Map/Acevedo
- The story of VaccinateCA
- Structured Procrastination
- A Mathematician’s Lament
- Academic Urban Legends
- The Bitter End of "Content"
- What Colour are your bits?
- Language modeling game!
- Credit Card Debt Collection
- The Gentrification of Disability
- The Missing 11th of the Month
- Mythic Values/Folk Values
- Twitter and Anti-intellectualism
- Who regulates the regulators?
- Not Everything is For Everyone
- Things you're allowed to do
- The Online Business of Torture
- Twelve Recursive Explanations
- War Propaganda About Ukraine
- List of Common Misconceptions
- how to be respected as a teen girl
- Failure to Cope "Under Capitalism"
- No One Cared About My Spreadsheets
- I Put a Toaster in the Dishwasher
- Your Favorite Writers Aren't "Brave"
- 6 lessons I learned working at an art gallery
- Things You Should Never Do, Part I
- Things That Matter Are Boring
- The Vault Of The Atomic Space Age
- The Centre for Applied Eschatology
- The Problem with Non-Philosophers
- The Satanic Panic Is Incredibly Weird
- The Seven Deadly Sins of Politi-Speak
- How the Online Right Fell Apart
- A Person Paper on Purity in Language
- 500 Million, But Not a Single One More
- Isaac Newton, His Eye, and His Bodkin
- The Twitter Files and Writing for the Maw
- The Copenhagen Interpretation of Ethics
- Freedom of Expression and Virtue
- Who is included by "inclusive" language?
- Why Cross-Examination Is So Damn Great
- Morality is Accidental & Self-Congratulatory
- NSA, NIST, and post-quantum cryptography
- The rise and importance of Secret Congress
- No Silver Bullet Solutions to the Werewolf Crisis
- I'll Let Myself In: Tactics of Physical Pen Testers
- Coronavirus, Conspiracy, and Coping with Death
- If Jane Austen Wrote The Empire Strikes Back
- Specification gaming: the flip side of AI ingenuity
- Do we Stand at the Precipice of Radical Change?
- “I am No Man” Doesn’t Cut It: The Story of Eowyn
- Excerpt from “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!”
- Two Americas, one bank branch, and $50,000 cash
- The Moral Behavior of Ethicists and the Power of Reason
- How I Joined Teach for America—and Got Sued for $20 Million
- Did the Entire Media Industry Misquote a Hamas Spokesperson?
- Most of What You Read on the Internet is Written by Insane People
- Common Tech Jobs Described as Cabals of Mesoamerican Wizards
- Your Top Priority is The Emotional Comfort of the Most Powerful Elites
- On Being Rich-ish: Lessons I learned becoming suddenly middle-class
- Some preliminary notes towards a *real* Cost-Benefit analysis of prisons
- A few rough, random and spicy thoughts on crime, justice and justice systems that I've been chewing over
- Photovoltaic growth: reality versus projections of the International Energy Agency
- Obligate Brood Parasitism On Your Part Does Not Constitute A Responsibility On My Part
- Guessing C For Every Answer Is Now Enough To Pass The New York State Algebra Exam
Hold stick near centre of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.