Twitter Blocker

With the changes to Twitter's API, all the old tools to let you block/mute everyone who interacted with a certain tweet or who follow a certain account have broken. I've written a script to re-create the functionality.

Likes are private now, so the only things this script can do are to block or mute everyone who retweeted it, or everyone who follows a certain account.It's worth remembering that not everyone who follows an account agrees with them. But you can make your own decisions.

First, press the appropriate button to copy the script to your clipboard.

Then go to Twitter and pull up the list of people who retweeted the tweet or who follow the account in question. (If you're on a phone, you will need to do this in your web browser, not the Twitter app.)

Followers can be found by clicking on "followers" on that person's profile. For retweets, open the post engagements by clicking the three dots in the top right corner and "view post engagements", then click over to the "reposts" tab.

Go to the URL bar and type "javacript:", paste the text from your clipboard, and press enter.

It takes 0.5-2 seconds per account (depends on your internet speed), so it may take a few minutes if there are a lot of accounts. Unfortunately Twitter is designed in a weird way that makes the script stop working if you leave the tab, so you'll need to stay there while it runs. (You can however go to a different window on a desktop computer and it will continue running in the background window.)

If the script doesn't work for you, please first make sure that your browser has Javascript enabled. If that doesn't fix the problem, it's probably because Twitter changed their interface again and broke my script. If it seems to have broken, please leave a comment or contact me in some other way and I'll try to fix it.

PS: As a computer security nerd, I feel the need to point out that blindly copying scripts from unknown people on the internet and running them on your device is generally not a good idea. If I wanted to, for example, I could have included a line in the script that gives me access to your Twitter account. I haven't done that because I'm not evil, but you should be aware that it's a thing that's possible. Only run scripts from trusted sources.

For another improvement to your Twitter experience, check out my extension A Chiller Twitter.

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